TURIA COBO Single Leaf EI2 90

Puertas Batientes Cortafuegos con Bisagra Oculta y Cierrapuertas Oculto

puerta metalica batiente bisagra cierrapuertas oculto cortafuegos andreu

Cobo System: possibility of integrating concealed hinges and hidden door closers.

The Concealed Hinge Combination (BO) and the Hidden Door Closers (CO) form the so-called CO-BO System. The concealed hinges, as they are not exposed, give greater security to the doors installed in locations with exit places to the outside, eliminating the possibility of its manipulation.

The hidden door closers, enbedded in the upper part of the leaf, go completely unnoticed and, in the case of the double leaf, the closing selector is also integrated inside the leaf. Allowing easy access to it and greater security.


  • Galvanized


  • Stainless Steel

    Stainless Steel

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