Laminated glass consist of the union of two glass sheets of 3 mm thickness eachusing a traslucent plastic film in the middle.
In case of glass fracture, the plastic film prevents glass fragments fall down.
FP glass consist in 6 mm traslucent glass with a metal mesh iside.. It is used for risk areas where an aditional safety is needed. It is not anti-theft glass.. It is not advised to use in extreme temperatures.
It is a glass made of two 4 mm glass sheet, without any direct contact between them, in parallel with 12mm thickness of intermediate space filled with inert gas. This chamber is tight closed to prevent air circulation.
It is a more expensive glass but thermal transmittance is much better: 1,8 U (W/m2 K)
Lead or X-ray glass is a kind of glass that contains lead oxide instead of calcium oxide. it protects against the electromagnetic radiation.
It is supplied together with our Turia RX
Available upon request.