Superimposed panic device 2001N for inactive leaf.
Panic device superimposed (rim) model 2000S (3 points) for single leaf doors without a lock.
Available in the following finish: black support and grey bar.
Panic device 4001N superimposed for both leaves of the door.
Superimposed Panic Device CISA FAST PUSH serie offers a complete solution, ready for quick installation and low costs.
Panic device superimposed model QUICK (rim) 2/3 points for singlñe leaf without lock
Available in the following finishes :
- black support and black bar,
- black support and red bar.
Panic device superimposed QUICK 1 point-rim for single leaf without lock.
Available in the following finishes :
- black support and black bar,
- black support and red bar.
Panic device superimposed model TP93 PUSH PAD for inactive leaf of the double leafs door.
Available with black support and black push-pad.
Panic device superimposed model 2000S (rim) for single leaf doors without a lock.
Available in the following finish: black support and grey bar.
Superimposed panic device with two closing points, up and down.