What makes Andreu an expert for specialmetallic doors?
We found the origin of Andreu Barberá, S.L. in1972, year in which Mr. Vicente Andreu Bort, today our President, founded asmall metal carpentry, which over the years would become a great Steel Door Company,solid and of great prestige, and the Spanish brand of reference in the metallicdoors' sector: Andreu.
That same year, as a result of his real forimprovement and entrepreneurship, he designed and patented a new model of multi-purposemetallic door, also made with his own exclusive system. It was the one thatlater would be known in Spain as the ENSAMBLADA door.
This fact meant a milestone for both the newlycreated company and for the market in general, revolutionizing it and pavingthe way towards standardizing measures and uniformity in the finishes for thiskind of product. Proof of this is that, today, almost all of the metallicswinging doors that are manufactured in Europe are made using both designs andproduction systems that are very similar to the one developed by Andreu over 40years ago.
With the experience and knowledge acquired, andto meet a demand of a market that is increasingly growing, in the early 80s wedeveloped a more technical and specialized product: The Fire Doors, which hasended up becoming a true banner and covering letter for Andreu, both nationallyand internationally.
Years later, well into the 90s, we launched ourline of more aesthetic, elegant doors: the RESIDENTIAL family, coming tocomplete an already wide range of products, which makes our customers perceiveus as a preferred option, with a global response to their needs.
Backed by our track record, every day we opennew doors to the imagination by putting all the means at your disposal toinnovate our offer of MULTI-PURPOSE, FIRE and RESIDENTIAL metallic doors withcustomized solutions, tailored to every need.
Your individual door solution
We have the most technologically advancedproduction systems and a great human team that allows us to meet anincreasingly complex and demanding market. We are experts in bringing new ideasto our customers' projects and in providing each new door model with an addedvalue, quality guarantee.
In this sense, to ensure our customers thequality of our products and the design, production and marketing processes, wehave the Quality Management System implemented and certified by AENOR accordingto the Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015.
In Andreu we work to open new doors to thefuture.